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Who we are:
Who we are:

 The Principal of GS CU Consulting is Gregg Stockdale.  Mr. Stockdale has been a credit union CEO for over 30 years, with expertise in Lending, Investing, ALM, and profitability.  He  worked at virtually every position in a credit union.  Additionally, he used that experience to develop insightful products and programs that members want and appreciate.    


GS CU Consulting collaborates with other consultants and makes partnerships as needed to fulfil your organizations needs in a professional and timely manner.


We know you have limited resources, so we strive to maximize your value!  Please, check us out and give us a call to see where we can be of assistance.


Gregg is very concerned about the needless closing and merging of smaller credit unions.  He is fully committed to making a difference in this alarming trend.



How we can help:

If you are in charge of a small to medium sized credit union, you have many challenges in this economy where having a helping hand is a necessity, not a luxury. 


GS CU Consulting can help you with:


CEO or Managerial assistance. A little or a lot. Short-term placement to fill a need or between a vacancy and a full-time replacement has been found.  ALM and IRR policies are available to better utilize your investments.


Strategic Planning - Now, more than ever, credit unions need to establish a road-map to future success.  Gregg has facilitated many planning sessions to help cu's drive change and measure their success.


Participating out excessive loan demand, OR bolstering your Loan/Share ratio with effective purchases of participations.  (Consumer loans, not MBL)




Don't get caught majoring in the minors and minoring in the majors!

After helping a few CU's work through their issues, it's apparent that many cu's are majoring in the minors.  They are spending way too much time on the here and now, when they should be focused on the future.  

I've been there in my years of running cu's and I know the challenges of being future-oriented.  The good news is; it can be done.

If your shop is stuck in 1st Gear, give us a call to obtain a "check up from the neck up".

GS CU Consulting will provide a site assessment, operational review, and a path to change.


You can't move from here to there if you don't know where "here and there" are.  And, it's tough to see what's working and what isn't,  when you are buried in the weeds. 


GS CU Consulting is about giving you a fresh look at what you can build upon and what can be left behind.   


We will also provide an operational review to detect shortcomings and areas of exposure to the overall operations.  Bond claims are expensive to prepare and the deductibles are very high.  Having a second set of eyes looking at the operations can identify areas that are vulnerable to loss.  


Lastly, we will provide a path to change.  This is no "pie in the sky...." but a measurable and timed plan to effective change.  


If your staff all go home exhausted at the end of the day, and you haven't changed your delivery process or procedures... chances are, you need to change the way you do business.  Busy does not equate to being productive.  And, in this market, lack of change is a sure sign of a future merger!

How to get started:  Simply send an email, requesting a consultation.  

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Feeling like you are at the end of your rope?  Check out the inspiring post to CU Insight by Gregg:  


Some insights about the workings of the CFPB are highlighted.  Mr. Stockdale spent two years on the Credit Union Advisory Council of the CFPB 9/12 to 9/14.  His insights are most helpful in today's ever-changing market:


Let's not get too crazy on making "loans at any cost" here.  There are many sound alternatives to driving rates down too low for too long a term, just to keep the Loan/Share ratio pumped up.  Count the cost and look at alternatives (better yielding investments as well as loan participations)


NCUA continues to push for "rates up" as the only scenario possible.  The problem with that lies in the assumptions.  Find an alternative to NEV.  What real impact is there on non-maturing shares.  And, what about this focus for the last 5 years?


NCUA's focus has forced some cu's to sell investments at a loss to prepare for the "inevitable" rates up.  Learn the true costs of going too short:


Where the big cu's really make their money or How to collaborate for income, not expense reduction:


Before you dismiss offering NON Qualified Mortgage programs, read:

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